Is CBD Addictive? A Guide to Truth

Is CBD addictive the term stands for cannabidiol, which is a naturally occurring compound commonly found in marijuana as well as hemp. Cannabinoids do not tend to produce a high. However, they may have an inherent amount of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), in varying proportions as much as 0.3%. THC is the psychoactive component that is responsible for producing the high largely associated with marijuana use.
CBD does not produce psychoactive effects but as they have an inherent amount of THC, people often wonder: Is CBD addictive?
Well the short answer is no. However, there’s a lack of study on the long term impacts of its use.
Here in this article we will explore the following:
- What is CBD addictive?
- What is Addiction: Understanding physical and psychological addiction
- Key differences between CBD & THC
- The Research on CBD Addiction
- Legal Status of CBD in India
Seems, we have a lot to cover. Without further ado, let’s begin.
What is CBD Addictive?
CBD is basically a chemical compound commonly found in marijuana and hemp. CBD itself stands for cannabidiol and is completely free of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC or tetrahydrocannabinol is the chemically active psychoactive ingredient found in marijuana which is primarily responsible for producing high.
CBD is non-psychoactive in nature and helps people combat drug addiction. As per preliminary research CBD helps in lowering the chances of developing cocaine as well as methamphetamine abuse. It may also prove helpful in preventing relapse among the users after a certain period of detoxification & sobriety.
The standard CBD formulation is available in the form of oil. However, CBD based products are available in the form of:
- Gummies and Other Edible
- Oils and Tinctures
- Capsules
- Lotions, Creams, and Other Topicals
- Vapes
- CBD Cigarettes.
CBD or Hemp cigarettes are helpful in nicotine de addiction, marijuana de addiction, and more. Based on the recommendation of a medical professional one can buy CBD cigarettes to tackle different forms of drug abuse.
What is Addiction: Understanding Physical and Psychological Addiction
Addiction can be defined as behavioral issues when a person fails to stop using a substance causing physical or psychological harm to the individual. It is a treatable medical issue and involves complex levels of interaction among an individual’s brain circuits, genetics, the environment, as well as life experiences.
People suffering from the substance or psychological addiction mainly deploys in behaviors that tend to become compulsive and continue in the same path despite suffering from harm.
What Makes a Substance Addictive?
Is CBD addictive? The available research says no. However, more research is required to understand the long term impacts of CBD.
Most of the addictive substances or drugs affect the brain's "reward circuit”. This in turn leads to euphoria by flooding the body from mild to intense levels of dopamine. Like a properly functioning reward system the substances drive a person to engage in repeated behaviors like eating, spending time with friends, family, loved ones, etc.
As per a study, substance addiction leads to five major phases in an individual:
- Salience: This is the condition under which a person is obsessed with a specific activity which ultimately tends to become the most important activity in their life and dominates their thinking. For example, a person suffering from substance abuse will carry on with normal aspects of life but his mind will be obsessed with the specific substance they are involved with.
- Mood Modification: An individual’s drug or choice of an activity holds the capacity to influence different mood modifying effects at different hours of the day, week, or month. For example, various nicotine addicts start their day with puffing cigarettes first thing in the morning.
- Tolerance: It is basically the process where an individual has to increase the amounts of the particular substance or activity required to achieve the original effects. For example, heroin addicts need to increase their size of fix for enhancing impacts of drugs.
- Withdrawal Symptoms: These refers to the unpleasant feelings or state of mind which is basically a side effect of discontinuing drug or reducing its intake. Common withdrawal symptoms are extreme moodiness, irritability, nausea, sweats, headaches, insomnia, and others.
- Conflict: It is basically the term referring to conflicts between the addict and people around them or it could also include the conflicts arising within an individual.
- Relapse: It is the tendency for engaging in the repeated reversions of the patterns of specific activities from recurring. Relapse may occur from a few hours to after several years of abstinence from the drug. For example, people who start with the cold-turkey method of ditching cigarettes return to smoking after just a few days to a few weeks of abstinence.
Difference Between Physical and Psychological Addiction
Physical dependence is the state of chronic dependence on specific substance, medication or drug which is basically a result from prolonged abuse of it. Compared to physical addiction, psychological addiction can be understood as the scenario under which a person or an addict does not have a physical need for the substance or drug. Rather, the person has a mental desire for it. This type of addiction is common among people abusing ganja/weeds/marijuana.
Key Differences Between CBD & THC
Features | CBD | THC |
What is it? | CBD stands for cannabidiol and is largely used for medicinal purposes. It is commonly found in abundance in hemp plants and legal CBD has a limited amount of THC in it of up to 0.3%. | HC stands for tetrahydrocannabinol. Unlike CBD, THC is largely found in abundance in marijuana plants and also produces high on consumption. |
Produces a High | CBD does not produce high. | THC produces high. |
Is it Psychoactive? | CBD is non-psychoactive. | THC is psychoactive in nature. |
Side Effects | It is well tolerated, even in large doses. The chances of side effects are largely from drug-to-drug interaction within the body.CBD can cause following side effects: ● Drowsiness ● Loss of hunger ● Diarrhea ● Liver injury ● Fertility issues ● Interactions with prescription medications, alcohol, and illicit drugs | It can cause both temporary side effects as well as long-term negative psychiatric impacts among the users. Major side effects of THC are: ● Altered senses ● Changes in mood ● Impaired bodily movements ● Difficulty with reasoning, thinking or problem-solving skills. ● Impaired memory & learning |
The Research on CBD Addiction
As per a Pre-Review Report 2017, the World Health Organization says that “evidence from well-controlled human experimental research indicates that CBD is not associated with abuse potential.”
According to the results of a small 2016, a study done on 31 adults showed that: Active THC can produce substantial physical as well as psychological effects, like rapid rise in heartbeat rate as well as euphoria. In contrast, CBD does not influences the
- Heartbeat Rate
- Blood Pressure
- Cognitive Function
As per a research, CBD can be helpful for reducing the chances of developing abuse of cocaine and methamphetamine. It could also be helpful in preventing the relapse among the individuals.
Legal Status of CBD in India
CBD containing less than 0.3% of THC is legal for safe use in India. So, any CBD product whether oil, cigarettes, gummies, etc, can be used for direct and indirect consumption as long as the THC is regulated within safe use as directed by the official regulations.
Wrapping Up
Is CBD addictive? No. CBD with a safe and regulated amount of THC (0.3%) is not addictive and is proven helpful in treating various diseases and addiction. A person fighting nicotine or drug addiction can use CBD based products after proper consultation from a certified medical professional.
At the trost, we are a licensed seller of CBD products in India. All our products like CBD cigarettes, CBD oil, have regulated amounts of THC (within 0.3%) and are approved for safe use.
Comments on this post (1)
A clear explanation of the differences between CBD and THC, and it’s reassuring to know that CBD is not addictive. Thanks for sharing this blog.
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